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Posté par le Avr 15, 2015 dans Anglais, Diaporama

« Othello » au Grand Marché (by Ary, 3èmeE)


On the 07th of March 2015, I went to Grand Marché's Theater. I've

watched a play of Shakespeare, which is very famous. It is called

OTHELLO. But the version I saw, was a bit different.

There is a simple stage, with exactly 113 seats. There are only 3


As you can see, there is no background, just 3 ways for each actor.

They belong to a company called « La Compagnie du Zieu ». So,

the audience is very close to them. There is more interactivity and

we can see how they feel. The actors can change their characters

as soon as they want, so it was sometimes not so easy to

understand the script.

Othello is a venician general and he needs to go to Cyprus to

defend it. He goes with his wife Desdemona, Lt. Cassio and Iago.

Othello is called « the Moor » by the father of Desdemona, because

he is black.

Lt. Cassio likes Othello but Iago hates him. He is very jealous of

Othello and Lt. Cassio because Iago is just an officer. In Cyprus, he

tries to destroy Othello and Cassio. It is a tragedy, so characters will

die one by one in the end. One of them commits suicide, but if you

want to know who, you have to see « Othello ».

I like this version. It's very different. It is not the theatre that we see

« as usual » but it was a very good way to see theater. The

characters walked in circles during all the play and I laughed ! If you

have the possibility to go to theatre, there are many things to watch

and they are very interesting. It is different as cinema, but it is often

better !